Ground Energy physically sources needed coal and metallurgical products from our global supplier base and acts as a liaison to the customers throughout the world.

We are an independent commodity broker, centrally situated in the heart of the global economy, in the emerging logistics and financial hub of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Our claim is to have the infrastructure, the skills, and the resources to be able to trade in chosen commodities virtually anywhere in the world, from supplier to customer.

At Ground Energy, we are conscious of the strategic importance of the products we supply, and of the impact which mining and energy production has on the environment.

We work hand-in-hand with our supply partners to ensure that their operations are accredited by the relevant national and international agencies responsible for regulating compliance in terms of quality assurance and environmental impact.

Our qualified and experienced team ensures that both the customer’s and society’s best interests are served at each stage of the trade cycle, from sourcing out of the ground to delivery to your location, at the most competitive price available at the time of order.

Contractual arrangements between the trading partners ensure that all reasonable risks and responsibilities are covered to maintain accountability at every stage of the process.